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Board of Selectmen Minutes 09/05/2017
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Last Updated: 2017/9/15
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Last Updated: 2017/9/15
Size: 102K
Last Updated: 2017/9/15

The Board of Selectman held a Regular Meeting at 7:30 pm September 5, 2017 in the Meeting Hall of the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall. First Selectman Bonnie Reemsnyder, Selectwoman Mary Jo Nosal and Selectman Skip Sibley were present.

  • Approval of Minutes:
August 8, 2017 Special Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Selectman Sibley, seconded by Selectwoman Nosal, to approve the minutes of the August 8, 2017 special meeting. Motion passed.
August 22, 2017 Special Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Selectwoman Nosal, seconded by Selectman Sibley, to approve the minutes of the August 22, 2017 special meeting. Motion passed.
  • Communication:  Email from David Grove
First Selectman Reemsnyder read an email she and the other Selectmen received from David Gove. He expressed his praise for the Old Lyme EMS personnel, who on August 28th responded to a call at Point O Woods of a child choking and the professional way they assessed and handled all aspects of the situation. The BOS discussed and agreed with his recommendation to place a copy of his letter and letters of Commendation in the first responder’s personnel file, naming Gabby as the first on the scene. First Selectman Reemsnyder also thanked David Gove for taking the time to write the letter  (letter attached).
A motion was made by Selectwoman Nosal, seconded by Selectman Sibley, to move item 5. A. up on the agenda. Motion passed.
5. a. Proposed Lease agreement for the Pump House Location                                                             
First Selectman Reemsnyder gave an overview and read the purpose of the proposed lease agreement for the pump house. She wanted to make the Selectmen aware of how this is progressing and get their feedback. She will send them each a copy of the lease for their review and further discussion at the next meeting.                                Frank Pappalardo, Chairman of the Sound View Commission has been working with First Selectman Reemsnyder on this project and joined the meeting. First Selectman Reemsnyder reminded everyone that approximately eight months ago the three private beaches (Miami, Old Colony and Old Lyme Shores) approached the Town to see if they would consider locating the pump house on Hartford Ave. First Selectman Reemsnyder and Frank Papalardo shared the discussions they have had with the three beaches and agree this may be a good opportunity to get the bathrooms added on to this project. The plan is that the beaches would lease the land that the pump house would be located on for a total cost of $200,000. A draft lease was submitted, and the Town Attorney is working with the attorney for the private beaches to hammer out some of the details which include allowing the town to buy into the pump house at the same rate as the other beaches, the town would get $20,000 for 10 years; and they would get to weigh in on the design and actual planning of the pump house.  
If the town proceeds with this the following process would be followed:
  • Lease to be reviewed and approved by Selectmen
  • Section 8-24 Referral to the Planning Commission
  • A public hearing, as required by State Statute
  • Approval at Town Meeting        
Frank added that this is a cost-effective way to fund restrooms, having all of the work done at once which would add to the quality of life in the area. The Town would have input on the design so they can assure it is aesthetically appropriate.
The BOS went on to discuss different aspects of what is involved, including getting the bathrooms completed, the lease would be for the land itself, the town would own the land and the restroom building, the pump house would operate on a proportionate share, the possibility of East Lyme providing the maintenance (as a sub-contractor), the involvement of the WPCA Chairs, the Sound View Commission, the Town Attorney and DEEP in the process, a back-up system needing further discussion (generator/possibly two pumps), bathroom design, possible ground breaking time frame depending on approval by the BOF and BOS. First Selectman Reemsnyder also added that the three beaches will be looking for easements as their system will likely cross Hartford Ave. Selectwoman Nosal requested that it be noted in the minutes that this is the first time the BOS are discussing this.
First Selectman Reemsnyder asked the selectmen to review the lease and make edits so they can discuss this further at the next meeting.
  •  Appointments:                   
4.   Old Business:
  • Boathouse Hains Park Improvements Project
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported the grass has been replanted and is being watered regularly. The basketball court was painted today (all four coats) and Don Bugbee reported it looks good and he asked Ed Adanti to cordon it off so no one walks, rides bikes or drives on it.
The only other thing they are waiting for is the A-2s survey to be completed and she understands that should be completed soon.
Selectman Sibley asked if there was any update on the drainage behind the boathouse and on Grassy Hill Road. First Selectman Reemsnyder reported they are still waiting for the engineers to complete the final plan.
Selectwoman Nosal asked Selectman Sibley if he had an update on the cost of the plaque. Selectman Sibley stated he has not looked into the cost or design of the plaque yet but would reach out to the committee and Sophie Marsh to get an estimate of costs. The committee is waiting for a few more donations to come in so they can get a completed list of donors for the plaque.
He also clarified that the fundraising was separate from the boathouse project in response to Selectwoman Nosal’s comment about having to have the plaque completed so they could close out the project.
Selectwoman Nosal gave Selectman Sibley a receipt from one of her neighbors who would like to be reimbursed for items she purchased for the ribbon cutting ceremony. Selectman Sibley said this was the first he had heard of this and would follow-up on it.

  • Rte. 156 Bikeway/Sound View Improvements
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported the paving that was scheduled for Sept. 5th, along with the parking ban, has been rescheduled to take place on Sept. 18th. She did reach out to let people know it was changed and will make sure this is added to News and Announcements on the website so residents are aware. She also reported that the punch list should be completed at this time including the banner posts and decorative signs.
Selectwoman Nosal added she has sent an email to the engineer to confirm when they will be completing the items on the punch list and she is waiting to hear back from him. Once the paving is completed it will take two weeks before they can put the epoxy striping on the road.

  • Academy Lane Fire Dock Update
First Selectman Reemsnyder gave an update on the budget for the Academy Lane Fire Dock. The initial budget including appropriations was $276,496. Expenditures included Docko Inc. (Engineer) $18,600, Advertisement $537, Machnik Construction to date has been paid $161,500 and $40,486, and they were contracted for $212,617. There is $10,631 that is being held for retainage, as per the contract. To date, a total of $231,763 has been spent, with $44,733 remaining in the budget. She has reached out to Docko to see if they have any remaining expenses and they still have to come out and complete the survey and the final inspection. She has asked for an estimate of the cost for that and has not received that yet.
The contract allows for the retainage to be held for six months but she thinks once the project is completed she may request approval for releasing the retainage early. Selectman Sibley suggested it may be a good idea to go through the winter to see how the dock holds up before releasing the retainage.
  • Blight Ordinance Draft
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported she received the updated draft of the Blight Ordinance today from the Attorney with the edits since their Aug. 8th meeting. She has printed a copy for each of the selectmen so they can review it (she will send digital copy also) and discuss it further at their next meeting. The BOS discussed scheduling another special meeting to include the Town Attorney to discuss the edits and changes. They all agree the last meeting was very productive. First Selectman Reemsnyder will reach out to everyone and schedule a meeting.

  • Cross Lane Playground Committee Charge & Appointments
First Selectman Reemsnyder handed out copies of the updated charge and appointments. She also read a statement as a follow-up to Selectman Sibley’s statement at the last meeting (see attached).
First Selectman Reemsnyder and Selectwoman Nosal both stated they have reached out to potential interested parents, neighbors, etc. to see if anyone would be interested in serving on the committee and have not heard back from anyone yet.
The BOS reviewed the charge with the recommended changes by Selectwoman Nosal from the last meeting. The Finance Director will attend the first meeting to establish and ensure a good understanding of the budget. Selectwoman Nosal also suggested they receive a copy of the booklet developed for Committees outlining the roles and responsibilities of the members of the committee. First Selectman Reemsnyder explained the process each new committee goes through when it is first formed.
A motion was made by Selectwoman Nosal, seconded by Selectman Sibley, to approve the Charge for the Cross Lane Playground Committee. Motion passed.
The BOS reviewed the appointments of: Anna Reiter, Emily Griswold, Missy Garvin, Meghan Anderson and Don Bugbee (with his approval) and agreed to appoint the members with one motion.
A motion was made by Selectman Sibley, seconded by Selectwoman Nosal, to approve the appointments of: Anna Reiter, Emily Griswold, Missy Garvin, Meghan Anderson and Don Bugbee (with his approval) to the Cross Lane Playground committee. Motion passed.

5.  New Business:
  • Proposed Lease agreement for Pump House Location – Moved up on the agenda
  • Hains Park Bathroom Facility committee
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported she has not received any feedback from the posting advertising for members for the Hains Park Bathroom Facility committee. She will reach out to Bob Dunn to see if they can solicit some members for the committee.
She will begin working on a draft for the charge for the committee. Selectman Sibley suggested a similar charge to what was developed for the playground committee with the obvious modifications. He agrees they should begin working on this as they have the funds available through the budget, plus the carryover from the boathouse as well as money raised through the fundraising.
Selectwoman Nosal reiterated she would still like to know why Bob Dunn is now interested in taking on the bathroom project when he was not interested before. First Selectman Reemsnyder stated the Director of Parks & Rec had a conversation with his Chair and talked about possibly consolidating within Parks & Rec and that conversation was fruitful and they agreed on the concept.

  • Hall Road Improvements Committee Presentation Scheduled
First Selectman Reemsnyder mentioned that the Halls Road Improvements Committee will meet this Thursday evening at 6:30pm at the Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library. They will be doing their second presentation (the first was done in August during their regular meeting-dry run of the presentation and they will be scheduling several other meetings) with people who have expressed an interest in what the committee is working on. They will be showing pictures of other towns in CT that have done similar renovations to street scapes. The primary focus of the meeting is hearing from the people attending and what they are looking for in the project.
Selectman Sibley stated this was the first he was hearing about these meetings and asked if it was a public meeting. First Selectman Reemsnyder stated it was a public meeting and it was posted. She also added that they had reached out to area businesses as well and invited them to attend. She also clarified that this is not a presentation on what they are doing, it is mostly to get feedback on what community members are looking for. Selectman Sibley stated he thought it was very short notice for a community feedback meeting. Selectwoman Nosal suggested that maybe the committee could announce future meetings at the Thursday night meeting. First Selectman Reemsnyder stated they have not set a regular schedule of meetings yet and they are scheduling them as they go along.

A motion was made by Selectwoman Nosal, seconded by Selectman Sibley, to add item 5. d. to the agenda. Motion passed.
  • Ledge Light Health District Petition
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported that on Aug. 25th each of the BOS members received a copy of a petition that was submitted to the Town Clerks office to request a Town meeting to terminate the agreement between LLHD and the Town of Old Lyme dated Oct. 31, 2016 and it had several signatures on it. Because of the way the petition was submitted and the subject of the petition she forwarded a copy of it to the Town Attorney for his opinion. She read the response she received from the Town Attorney (see attached; Memorandum, Exhibit A, B, C). First Selectman Reemsnyder stated for the record a copy of the letter has been given to the Town Clerk for her records.
The BOS further discussed the petition and expressed how surprised they were by this, they have spoken with some of the people who have signed this and some have stated that they really didn’t understand what they were signing. Selectman Sibley suggested he would strongly encourage the BOS to schedule a meeting with local businesses and the Director of LLHD to provide everyone an opportunity to discuss concerns and ask questions.
First Selectman Reemsnyder added that there would be an increased cost to the Town should the Town decide to eliminate the agreement from LLHD. The Town would need to hire a full-time Health Director and Sanitarian (which are very hard to find), the State of CT is pushing for Towns to join a health district.  LLHD has been very proactive in offering workshops free of charge to local businesses to provide them with training and education on state health codes and recent changes to the health code. They have also been very flexible with businesses when finding corrections that need to be made by allowing them ample time to make the changes. The BOS agree that it is important to get the consistency of services they are receiving form LLHD in meeting the health codes and keeping businesses and restaurants in the community safe for everyone.
First Selectman Reemsnyder will keep the BOS posted on her conversation with the Director of LLHD.

6.   Public Comment:
Judith Read addressed the BOS to express her agreement with Selectman Sibley that there was not enough notice given for the Thursday evening meeting of the Halls Road Improvements Committee. She also asked if there were minutes of the Halls Road Improvements Committee meetings.
First Selectman Reemsnyder responded that there are minutes of the meetings on the Town Website, on file in the town clerk’s office and offered to forward some to her.

7.   Other Business:
Selectman Sibley asked if there was any follow-up on the conversation they had at the last meeting regarding the letter he received from Alice Burbank. First Selectman Reemsnyder reported she has spoken with Phil and went up to look at it. She has also had conversations with the public works superintendent, project engineer and the Town Attorney and it is a challenging fix and questionable as to who’s responsibility it is to fix it.  She did have a conversation with Mrs. Burbank which was tense at first but after explaining to her some of the actions they had taken and what the limitations are, she was more understanding. The best solution would be a drainage system put through her yard which she is not interested in doing. In the meantime, Ed Adanti has replaced the sandbags with new ones. Phil has also been up there and wants to give it some more thought and will get back to her.

Selectman Sibley asked if there was any update on the conversation they had at the last meeting regarding Pilgrim Landing.
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported she has reached out to the chair of the Harbor Management Commission and he agrees he would like to see a memorandum of understanding be done. She has not had time to follow-up further but would like to get in touch with Steve Ross to get the original ideas for this. She will also reach out to Selectman Sibley for further input. Selectman Sibley recommends the first step should be having the property surveyed and staked out to identify where the lines are so they can see what needs to be done going forward.

Selectwoman Nosal asked if there was any update on the Mile Creek Road Bridge. First Selectman Reemsnyder reported that the planning is pretty well finished and the engineer is waiting to see if there is going to be any state bridge funding available (this would be eligible for 48% reimbursement). Right now, the next step would be to start planning for the construction with a possible start date of Feb. for presenting it to the public and going out to bid. She is not very hopeful on the state funding due to the state of the state budget. She also reported that the original estimate for the cost of the engineer is coming in lower than expected giving them some funds to use towards construction. Selectwoman Nosal asked who has been working on this with her and she replied Phil has been assisting her with this. She also added that the temporary safety fixes have been put into place.

Selectwoman Nosal asked what the status of the bid policy was and who was working on this.
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported that Nicole has taken the suggestions and is working on an updated version.

8.   Executive Session: None    

9.   Adjournment:
A motion was made by Selectman Sibley, seconded by Selectwoman Nosal, to adjourn at 9:35 pm. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Patti Broedlin